Page 39 - School Diary_2024-25
P. 39

            •  School provides first aid facility to the students and staff members.
            •  Students can visit first aid room located in block A  ground floor in
               any emergency.
            •  Students should take permission from the teacher to visit the  first
               aid room. They should go with proper out pass.
            •  Do not take a classmate for help and support, if not required.
            •  Any student feeling unwell will be sent to the medical room.
            •  If a child is found to be very sick, he/she will be sent home .
            •  For any emergency, children will be sent to the hospital and parents
               will be  informed.
            •  Please do not send a child to the school if the child is sick.

                                   LEAVE RULES

            •  Students must be regular to school.
            •  Leave of absence is granted only for valid reasons and with the
               prior written application /e-mail of the parent.
            •  If a student is absent from school even for a day, it is imperative
               that the parent sends a leave note addressed to the class teacher
               on the very next day, which will be filed for future reference. It is
               advised, the parent must   inform the class teacher through mail on
               the same day. Mail should be sent from the parent's registered e
               mail id.
            •  In case of long leave, e-mail/leave application addressed to the
               class  teacher  should  be  handed  over  in  advance  to  the  class
               teacher, who in turn will submit it to the supervisor.
            •  If any student doesn’t fulfil the criteria of 75% attendance due to
               long absence, the student may be detained in the same class.
            •  During periodical examination and tests and other days, students
               must remain present in the school for the entire day. They are not
               allowed to go home. If unwell, students can send medical leave
               with certificate.
            •  Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the
               permission of the Principal, Vice-Principal or administrator in case
               of emergency. The student may be allowed to leave the school only
               with the parent or authorized person the parent has deputed with
            •  A student suffering with any contagious disease should not be sent
               to school.
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