Page 43 - School Diary_2024-25
P. 43


           First time login:
              ▪  Open a web browser (preferably Chrome)
              ▪  Enter ‘’ website link
              ▪  Click ‘Login’
              ▪  Enter username as ‘GR. No. of your ward’ and password as ‘student’
              ▪  Reset the password after successful login
              ▪  Login again with the new password.

            Forgot password:
              ▪  Click on ‘Forgot Password’ option on the login dialog
              ▪  An  e-mail  with  new  password  will  be  sent  to  your  registered
                 e-mail id.
              ▪  Kindly check your registered email inbox/spam/junk for the new
                 password email.

                        PROCUREMENT OF DOCUMENTS

           ▪  Documents  such  as  Bonafide  certificate,  Study  certificate,  Fee
              certificate may be obtained from the school office between 8:00 am
              to 10:00 am within two working days from the date of submission of
              the application.

                            DUPLICATE DOCUMENTS

           ▪   Duplicate documents such as T.C, Report card, Bonafide certificate
               may be obtained from the school office, by paying RO 5 (Rial Omani
           ▪   Application forms are available at the school reception or the form
               can be downloaded from the school website.
           ▪   Duplicate documents will be issued after five working days from the
               date of submission of application.

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