Page 17 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 17


          Body  positivity  was  a  fat  acceptance  campaign  that  was  aimed  to
          end    the   fat-shaming         practices      and    bigot ry    against     peop le     on    the
          basis  of  their  weight,  size,  shape,  and  appearance.  It  had  started  in

          the  late  1960s.  This  movement  reemerged  in  2012,  foc using  on   the
          impractical beauty standards of  society.

          The    industries      have    made       billion s   while    making       us   feel   insecure.
          “Drink this tea, you’ll look 10 times you nger”, “Eat this and you ’ll have
          a   glowing     face”.   Even     if   you    were   thin,   tall,   and   blon d,   you    wou ld

          never     be   satisfied     because       there    are   so   many      standards        and    we
          always happen to overlook on e.

          Body  positivism  is  essential  because  it  has  a  straightfor ward  impact
          on   mental       health.     Due     to   bod y     discon tent,       peop le     suffer    from

          depression,  lower  self-esteem,  and  eating  disor ders.  The  first  step  to
          embracing  yourself  would  be  recog nizing  the  influences  that  lead
          to  poor  body  image.  Then  take  the  next  step  to  adjust  the  beauty
          and  body  expectations,  and  feel  enjoy able  -  be  mor e  accepting  and

          more     kind    towards       yourself.     A   bit   of   extra   weight     or    being    shor t
          doesn’t mean that you are not  good  enou gh.

          “I  definitely  have  body  issues,  but  eve rybod y  doe s.  When  you   com e
          to  the  realization  that  everybod y  does  —  eve n  the  peop le  that  you

          consider  to  be  flawless—then  you   can  start  to  live  with  the  way  you
          are.”  With  one  of  the  most  thrivi ng  careers  in  music,  Taylor   Swift  is  a
          great reminder that everyon e has vu lnerabilities and the on ly way to

          get immune to those feelings and thou ghts is to get past it.

                                                                                   By Amira Kalam

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