Page 13 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 13




                                                                                         By Aryan Pandey

                                                                                                             XI B

       Artificial    Intelligence,      an    attempt       at   the      Fast   forward      to   the   present,
       replication      of    the    human       brain     and     its    where     defeating      the   best    of

       intricacies     by    a   machine,       has    only    been       the  game  has  become  child’s

       around  since  1956.  Chess,  on  the  other  hand,                play  for  the  engines.  One  can

       has    been     puzzling      the   minds      of   humans         even     find   engines      that    are

       since    the   6th   century     AD.   Interestingly,     the      exponentially       more     powerful

       two,  though  separated  by  generations,  seem                    than    the   “Deep    Blue”   in   their

       to be the perfect fit for one another.                             phones           and         personal

                                                                          computers,        for   the   sake     of

                                                                          practicing        and      evaluating

                                                                          human games.

                                                                          In  2017,  Google  developed  an

                                                                          engine       called     the     “Alpha

                                                                          Zero”      using     Deep       Neural

                                                                          Networks         and      a    General

                                                                          Reinforcement                Learning

                                                                          Algorithm,       meaning        that    it

                                                                          knew nothing about the rules

       The   first   big   break   for   A.I.   in   the   direction   of  of   Chess.   The    machine       was

       Chess     domination        came      on   February       10th     able  to  master  Chess  in  mere

       1996,   when     the   IBM   developed       chess    engine       four   hours     and    went     on    to

       “Deep     Blue”    beat    Garry    Kasparov,      the   then      beat     the     then     top    Chess
       World     Champion        becoming       the   first   engine      Engine     Champion         “Stockfish

       to defeat a reigning World Champion.                               8” in a 100-game match.
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