Page 45 - School Diary_2024-25
P. 45

             The safety and security of your ward is of utmost importance to us. We
            solicit your co-operation in implementing the following measures.

            1.  All visitors must carry their resident card with them.
            2.  Visitors must fill up the requisite information and sign in the visitors’
              register, kept at the gate and take the visitor’s pass. Pass should be
              returned while going out of the school.
            3.  All visitors must report to the reception. Visitors are not permitted to
              enter  classrooms,  staffrooms  or  any  other  area  in  the  school
            4.  Students will not be excused from the school before the end of the
              school day, unless there is an emergency. Students will only be sent
              with the parents. Gate pass will be issued from the reception and
              must be presented to the guard.
            5.  Students  are  not  to  arrive  prior  to  7.30  am  and  should  leave  by
              12.30/ 2.30 pm as no supervision is provided before 7.30 am and
              after 12.30/2.30 pm.
               ▪  Prompt pickup is important to ensure your child’s safety.
               ▪  In case the transport is delayed for any reason, the child should
                  immediately come and report to the school reception (Block D)
                  and inform, so that the parent can be contacted.
            6.  Visiting hours to be observed as per the schedule. Kindly  call  at
              26841885 a  day prior  to  fix an appointment.
            7.  KG to class II parents must accompany their children all the time
              during  drop  and  pick-up.  Please  do  not  leave  the  children
              unescorted especially after picking them up from the class.
            8.  Please avoid sending tiffin, books, pen and other material during
              school hours. Due to logistic constraints, it becomes very difficult to
              send materials to different classes.
            9.  Advise children to set their bags according to the time table.
            10. Parents are requested to restrict the use of mobile phone in school
              premises, especially during drop and pick up.

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