Page 46 - School Diary_2024-25
P. 46


                  Parents / Guardians are obviously aware of the fact that their help and
                  co-operation is needed for the building of sound character in pupils. The
                  children must be made to realize that a well-ordered and disciplined way
                  of life is as important at home as in school. They are therefore, earnestly
                  requested to see that the rules of the school are strictly observed.
                  •  Parents / Guardians can play an important and responsible role by:
                  •  Developing in their children the habit of punctuality.
                  •  Ensuring that their ward comes neatly dressed to school.
                  •  Ensuring that their ward brings  books according to the
                  •  time-table for the day and leave all extra books at home.
                  •  Ensuring that their ward leaves the school premises soon after the
                     closure of the school.
                  •  Making it a point to attend all the parent-teacher meetings regularly.
                  •  Regularly checking the student diary, water bottles, tiffin boxes and
                     the bags of their ward.
                  •  Encouraging their children to take part in the activities of the school.
                  •  Seeing  all  test/examination  papers,  report  cards,  etc.  and  entries
                     made in the student diary, whether satisfactory or not.
                  •  Informing  the  Principal  about  the  child’s  absence  for  any  reason
                     within a week.
                  •  Intimating any change of address or telephone number to the school.
                  •  Keeping their children at home when infected with some infectious/
                     contagious disease, till the danger of the infection has passed.
                  •  Visiting the Principal or the Vice-Principal only on a working day,
                     within the stipulated hours.

                                       CBSE CIRCULARS & UPDATES

                  Parents must check  CBSE  website  regularly  for  all
                  circulars and updates.

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