Page 36 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 36

Hans Bjelke: Icelandic eider duck
          hunter who is hired as their guide;
          resourceful and imperturbable.

          Martha: Professor’s housekeeper
          and cook.

          Gretchen: Professor’s goddaughter,
          with whom Axel is in love; from

         Analysis:                                                Summary:
         I like the writing style of the                          The book is about Harry (an

         author and his imagination which
                                                                  author) and Professor Von
         knows no bounds. It is a very
                                                                  Hardwigg (Harry’s uncle) who
         good book as it has suspense,
                                                                  finds a book writte n by the
         adventure, and action. It ignites
                                                                  famous personality Arne
         your imagination. It is surely an
                                                                  Saknussemm. The book was
         interesting and exciting book  for
                                                                  writte n in a secret code and
         children and adults alike.  I
                                                                  the professor and his nephew
         strongly recommend it.
                                                                  spend hours on it and finally
          “Science, my boy, is made up of                         crack the code. It reveals a

                mistakes, but they are                            route through a volcanic
           mistakes which it is useful to                         tunnel to the center of the

           make because they lead little                          earth. They go to Iceland

               by little to the truth.”                           where the volcano is located

                                                                  and hire a man named Hans

                                                                  to be their guide. They travel
                                                                  through a cave made of

                                                                  molten lava and face many

                                                                  adventures and life-
                                                                  threatening dangers. They

                                                                  encounter prehistoric

                                                                  creatures and sail on molten
                                                                  lava and finally get spewed

                                                                  out of a volcano and reach

                                                                  home safely.
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