Page 32 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 32

Well, I think the readers can get
                                                                    a hint of what I am trying to talk
                                                                    about, now let us get back on
                                                                    track. The son sketches a master
                                                                    plan for his entire family to
                                                                    enter the Park lodge. The
                                                                    daughter of Kim becomes the
                                                                    art teacher for Park's son, the
                                                                    mother becomes a maid and
                                                                    the father a chauffeur. Now
                                                                    after settling in the Park family,
                                                                    how is it going to affect the Kim
                                                                    family? This the gist of the

         He enters this magnificent
         house of forward-thinking                                    Another pillar for this film is its
         architectural design. He                                     euphonious music playing in
         gets to see around the                                       the background of this film
         house with the assistance                                    which creates a tense
         of the maid and a short                                      atmosphere to the entire film.
         interview takes place. And                                   It is all because of the magic
         this is where the real show                                  created by Jung Jae Il.
         begins! The son plans to                                     Moreover, the camera angles
         bring his entire family into                                 in this film are also
         different jobs for the Park                                  mesmerizing.

         Now for a second let’s pause here and think                 Overall, this movie is a
         about the title of the movie. As it suggests                wonderful experience which
         ‘parasite’, the definition of a parasite is that an         brings goosebumps and drops a
                                                                     bombshell out of nowhere and
         organism that lives in its host body to derive              keeps you on the very edge of
         nutrients in science terms but parasite also                your seat. Is your curiosity
         means:                                                      tingling? Well, then go ahead
                                                                     and watch this nerve-racking

          A   P E R S O N   W H O   R E C E I V E S

          S U P P O R T ,   A D V A N T A G E ,   O R   T H E
          L I K E ,   F R O M   A N O T H E R   O R
          O T H E R S   W I T H O U T   G I V I N G   A N Y
          U S E F U L   O R   P R O P E R   R E T U R N ,   A S
          O N E   W H O   L I V E S   O N   T H E
          H O S P I T A L I T Y   O F   O T H E R S .

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