Page 4 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 4

“If you can't fly then run if you
                                                                           can't run then walk if you can't

                                                                           walk then crawl, but whatever

                                                                           you do you have to keep moving
               FROM THE
                                                                           ― Martin Luther King Jr.

       A   year   ago,   our   students   came   out   with   the   first   E-magazine   “Lumos”   of   Indian   School
       Sohar.   The   second   edition   “Profectus”   is   now   a   click   away.   This   E-magazine   is   a   great
       way  to  communicate  and  has  provided  a  stage  to  our  students  to  bring  out  their  creative
       talent and imagination.

       The   year   gone   by   has   been   unprecedented      in   global   history.   The   entire   world   was
       brought  to  a  standstill  by  an  invisible  virus.  Life  imposes  things  on  you,  but  you  still  have
       the   choice   of   how   you   are   going   to   live   through   this.   What   has   it   been   like   at   Indian
       School  Sohar  during  this  last  year?  Well,  I  can  positively  and  enthusiastically  say  that  we
       overcame the challenges and grabbed the opportunities that came our way.

       Our  students  have  aptly  named  the  magazine  “Profectus”  meaning  progress.  Progress  is
       a forward or onward movement towards a goal. “If you can't fly then run if you can't run
       then   walk   if   you   can't   walk   then   crawl,   but   whatever   you   do   you   have   to   keep   moving
                                                     ― Martin Luther King Jr.
       A little progress every day adds up to big results.

       This   magazine    is   a   good   example   of   instilling   in   the   students   4Cs   of   21st-century   skills
       Critical   Thinking,    Communication,       Collaboration,     and    Creativity.      The   young    and
       innovative  editorial  board  this  year  moved  a  step  further  and  made  Profectus  dynamic,
       provided useful links to motivate readers to explore

       Covid has brought a profound change in the educational landscape therefore
       continuous upskilling and reskilling is important. Education has to emerge
       stronger than before. Team ISS is determined, dedicated and devoted to nurturing
       young minds.

       I thank and acknowledge the support of the School Managing Committee,
       staff,   parents   and   students.   My   special   appreciation   for   the   students’   editorial   board


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