Page 5 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 5



    “We shall overcome and success will be ours              You must think critically. Then, you must

    in the future. The future belongs to us.”                express your thoughts and ideas as clearly as

     -Savitribai Phule.                                      you can- putting your soul into everything you
    Our planet is getting hotter by the second, the create: prose, poetry, paintings, photographs,

    war on women is as brutal as it ever was, the            puns and everything else you can dream of.

    chasm between the rich and the poor has                  The third step is to share it (preferably

    never been wider, and the annihilation of                through our school eMagazine, may I add).
    nature, and with it, that of humanity, seems to

    be inching closer and closer and closer......            This dream, nay, aspiration, that every student

                                                             at our magnificent school will, one day, be
    This very fact, rather than hinting towards the          teeming with hopes, dreams and ideas, for the

    folly of our endeavour to provide a platform to          pursuit of their own happiness and that of

    every voice at ISS, proves the absolute                  others, is what kept me enthusiastic about this
    necessity of it. We need a revolution, and we            immense project.

    need it now. However, machines and
    technology aren't what usher in progress. All we

    need is passion- a passion to better ourselves
    and our fellow beings: a passion to love,
    sacrifice and create . And it all begins with you.
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