Page 8 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 8



                                                                                       ANSHITHA FICEL, XI B

                               Dea r reade rs,
                               Profec tus  is a com  pilation of   the immen  se effo  rt put  fo rward b y the  talen ted
                               stu den ts of Indian School Soha  r and i  s a  specimen of o  ur  crea tivity.  Th rough

                               thi s E-Maga zine , we  wish  to  pr ovide a   platform  to  the  young mind  s of o ur  school   to
                               pu bli sh  thei r works and   to mo tivate  stu den ts to belie  ve in  them sel ves and lea  rn  to e xpr ess
                               thei r though ts in  words.
                               Fi rst  and fo  remo st,  we  would like   to e xpr ess our  since re g ratitude  to o ur  belo ved
                               Princi pal , Mrs Sanchi  ta Ve rma . She ha  s taken immen  se in terest  in  the making of   the
                               maga  zine f rom  the  very fi rst  da y and ha  s gi ven  us  in val uable ad  vice . We   would al so like   to
                               thank M  r Ya shvir Singh fo  r supp orting  us  in  the be  st  way possible . Furt he rmo re, we  would

                               like  to e xt end o  ur  gratitude  to all   the b udding   wr iters,  who ha ve con  tribut ed  thei r en tries
                               to  thi s issu e  - thei r passion and   tirele ss effo rts  are  wha t made i  t possible fo  r thi s maga  zine
                               to  see  the ligh  t of  the da  y.  We   recei ved mo  re  than a h  undred b rillian t en tries in Engli  sh
                               alone   – a  test amen t to  the  stu den ts’  whole -hea rted  partici pation .
                               It is righ tly said  tha t “Team work make  s the d ream   work”.  Th us,  thi s maga  zine i s no t the
                               out come of   the effo  rt put  in b y an indi  vidual , rathe r the ma  ssive effo  rt put  fo rward b y the

                               whole edi  torial  team , teache  rs,  and con  tribut ors.  In  spite of   the challenging ci  rcumst ance s,
                               we  persevered  to  put  fo rward  thi s e-maga  zine .
                               It ha s tru ly been an hono  ur  to  work  with  such a dedica  ted , passiona te, and
                               ama zing edi  torial  team .  La st  but  no t the lea  st,  we  would like   to  thank   you,  dea r reade r,
                               for your  supp ort and in  terest  in o ur  School E  -maga  zine . From  though t-pr ovoking a  rticle s
                               to  soul sea rching   poem s,  imagina  tive  st ories to  str ess- bust ing  riddle s,  ae st he tic a rtw orks
                               to  scenic   photog raphy,  you can find   them all he  re. As you brows e  through  the se  page s,

                               ob serve  the  stu den ts’  though ts,  attitude s,  and a  spiration s.  The se  young
                               budding flo  wers are  the  pr omi se of   tomo rrow.  We ho  pe i t will be enligh  tening
                               and en  tertaining  , and   worthy of  your  pr ecio us  time . HAPPY READING  !
                               Rega  rds,
                               The Engli  sh Edi tor
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