Page 42 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 42


          “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” We all miss our
          annual visits to India under the current situation of the global pandemic.
          But I love traveling, and if anyone asks me about my favorite vacation, I
          would say without batting an eye it was the one in Vietnam.

          My family and I visited Vietnam in March 2017. As soon as we landed in
          Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, I could not wait to set foot in one of the
          most beautiful places on Earth. The most remarkable attraction we visited

          was Ha Long Bay. Honestly, Ha Long Bay is otherworldly. I felt as if being
          there  just  unclogged  my  mind  and  teleported  me  into  another  dimension.
          Seeing nature in its raw beauty was truly a visual feast. Seeing the massive
          boulders,  with  patches  of  greenery  and  birds  flying  over  the  rocks  was
          breathtaking.  We  also  went  canoeing  in  the  bay  which  was  a  terrific

          experience. I definitely wasn’t ready to leave but we had to. Of course like any
          other tourist there I took a lot of pictures. This is one of the reasons why I
          love traveling. This trip amplified my interest in photography which I have

          been doing a lot in the lockdown.
            Moreover,  since  I  enjoy  learning  about  the  cultures  and  traditions  of
          different  countries,  I  enjoyed  my  visit  to  the  handmade  enamel  artworks
          made in the Bat Trang province of Hanoi. All the work was very intricate
          and beautiful. They also used interesting tools like eggshells and coconut husk

          to create special effects in the artworks.
          What truly set this vacation apart was that I was able to spend time with
          my  family  and  nature  at  the  same  time.  I  hope  that  my  experience  in

          Vietnam brings out the traveller in you too!

                                                                               Vibhavan Saibuvis

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