Page 10 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 10

I M P O R T A N C E   O F

        F E M A L E

                                                                                 By Amira Kalam
        R E P R E S E N T A T I O N
                                                                                 XI C

      The    human       race    is   diverse.   Eve ry

      voice,      thought,        every      idea      is
      diverse  and  they  all  deserve   to  be

      represented.          Excluding          certain
      people       will     lead     to       human
      discrimination.          Out      of    all   the

      voices,    women        have    always      been
      under-represented              all   ove r    the

      Complete  and  equal  participation
      in   all   aspects    of   community          is   a

      fundamental          human       right.   When
      we     have     a   closer     look     at   how         They        must        be       given        the
      gender      imbalanced          the   wor ld    is,      opportunity         to   make       impor tant

      we    realize     how      slowly     we    have         decisions  at  the  highest  leve ls.  At
      advanced.  And  this  unevenness  is                     present,       the    world       needs       the
      only     because         of    the     ages     of       determination          and     courage       of    a

      patriarchy and sexism.                                   woman more than anything else.

      According        to   a   report   of   the   UN,        Currently,  an  example  of  the  mos t

      only    1   out   of   4   seats   is   held   by   a    mixed  cabinet  in  the  world  wou ld
      woman.         Even       though        not able         be    that    of    New      Zealand’s        -   it
      efforts  have  been  made  by  seve ral                  consists     of   40%    women        and    15%

      countries,  women  still  face  seve ral                 of   the    LGBTQIA.         Establishing        a
      barriers.       Issues      like     dom estic           sustainable        future      involves       not

      violence,        child      marriage,         girl       leaving      anyone       behind.       It   also
      education,         and     cruelty      against          involves         the        reflection          of
      women         can     only     and     on ly    be       perspective        and     choices      for    the
      sorted      out    when       the    voices     of       advancement of humanity.

      women        are    heard      and    fol low ed
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