Page 62 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 62
3- Metal health of students during exams is
one of the most debated topics in india
.What is your view on it ? Did you ever feel
like the stress and anxiety took over your
performance ? How did your parents deal
with the same ?
Shirishti Jain
Yes, indeed. Mental health is
Initially I was stressed
very important and should
with the burden of
not be compromised at any
preparation and as there is
cost. Yes, sometimes
obviously a lot of pressure
workload increases, we all
from everyone around you.
the feel the pressure thinking
I don’t think they affected
about all that we have to
my performance
finish in the limited time
drastically. Firstly, I built
frame and that too efficiently
up a very strong self-belief
and perfectly, but what is
and was equally supported
more important is
maintaining calm during with a positive
these times as getting panic
environment at home.
during these times
Sometimes when the
demotivates you and that is
anxiety and stress
not really good. Yes, like
overpowered my
everyone, I did feel the
confidence I used to
pressure, but thanks to yoga
meditate or spend a little
and medication, I believe
time away from books
that I could cope up with the
listening to music.
exam anxiety and fear to a
greater extent. So, i would
say, "dear students, stay
motivated, practice yoga,
stay healthy and then you
will be able to do absolutely
well, believe me"