Page 65 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 65

6- lastly .What are your top 5 things

                   (websites ,items ,study materials ,habits

                       etc) that helped you to achieve this

                                        remarkable success

                        Shirishti Jain

            If I were to name 5 things that helped
                                                                     There is a lot of material
              me a lot in achieving my dream, I
            would definitely say,  extra questions                   on the internet to study
                 that we used to get in classes
                                                                  from but those are only for
           including the higher achievers classes,
                                                                  referring, most importantly
           doing more work/study/homework in
                                                                      it is the notes that you
           the morning hours whenever possible
             as we all know that the brain works                     make on your own that
            the best during that time. Apart from
                                                                    will help you till the end.
               this, I believe that yoga was very
                                                                    YouTube professors and
           helpful in keeping my mind stable. As
                                                                   their notes are quite good,
                 far as the study materials are
             concerned, I would say to refer the                       refer to previous year
           answers on Google whenever needed.
                                                                   question papers from the
              Apart from this, attending classes
                                                                         CBSE website and
            regularly and referring to some good
                                                                       formulate your basic
               reference books like Exam idea,
             exemplar can help you test yourself                   answers from NCERT only.
               once you are done studying the
             NCERT book. Lastly, I would say the
                support of my parents, regular

           guidance from my sis, motivation from
           mom and dad to do well helped me a
                  lot in staying focussed and
            determined towards my goal! That's
           all I have to say about it, thank you. All
             the best dear students, may you all

              come out with flying colours and
                    make our school proud!

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