Page 64 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 64

5-"what is your secret to success " was the most

                asked question we got from the students since we

                 feel it's a cliche let me frame it in a more efficient

                way "what was your strategy to crack the exams ?"

                "You too like any other student had 24 hrs in a day

               ..But you took maximum advantage out of it .Could

               you describe how you got the best out of your day "

                        Shirishti Jain


                 I think every student has some
                                                                        Self-study is the best
                  or the other strategy as they
                                                                  study. I used to work smart
                   enter class 11th itself which
                                                                     by referring to question
                 depends entirely on them. So,
                  yeah as far as my strategy is                    papers first before blindly
                concerned, I would say that my                          learning the whole
                 very first strategy was to finish
                                                                      textbook which would
                   studying the NCERT books
                                                                         save my time. I set
                 thoroughly before jumping to
                                                                   potential targets each day
                 any other reference books as I
                    believe that building the                     and covered up for the lost
                 foundation, I.e having a clear
                                                                     time by devoting more
                 knowledge about the basics is
                                                                           time to it on the
               crucial and is very much needed
                  to solve the numericals and
               questions in subjects like maths,
                 physics especially. Apart from
                  this, studying regularly, with

               focus, without getting distracted
               easily is very much needed if you
                 want to excel in what you are

               trying to do. As far as the perfect
                     utilization of the day is
               concerned, I would say that give
                as much time as possible, take
                small breaks, talk to your family

                  members, try your best and
                 things will happen eventually
                 and gradually. Dont worry, be
                          happy, do well.
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