Page 63 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 63

4-You are on top of the system now .You

                 are considered an inspiration by many .If

                    you were to change one aspect of our

                                 system.what would it be ?

                        Shirishti Jain


                   Everything about our
                                                                         Rather than blindly
              school is perfect and nice,
                                                                         focusing much on
                 thanks to our principal,
                                                                   academic exams, I would
               Mrs. Sanchita Verma and                              like to bring a change in

                Vinu sir and our dearest                              the attitude of school

              teachers. Everything from                           students to work an overall
                          teaching to                               personality development

                 administration is being                           because that is what goes

                                                                    a long way in the future.
                   managed very well. I
               think adding a few more

               extra curricular activities
               to freshen/refresh up our

                 mind can help us cope

                 up with the stress and

               anxiety. That's all I guess.

                  Lastly, like everyone, I
                   would say, I love my

                 school and it has given

               me a lot to remember in

              life! Thank you very much.

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