Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure 2025-26

The application form for the admission to Indian School Sohar for Balvatika to IX is to be duly filled online by the parents, who will be responsible to the Head of School for the pupil's conduct, punctuality, regular attendance, progress in school and payment of fees.

Parents seeking admission to Class X, XI & XII, and parents of Non-Indian students must contact the school and fill the admission form OFFLINE.

Steps for Admission
  • Please read the given guidelines and fill the form carefully. All the entries must be correct and should match with the details given in the passport.
  • Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
  • Age Requirement (as on 31-03-2025)
    Nursery (Balvatika)- Attained 3 years – not reached 4 years by 31-03-2025
    LKG (KG I)- Attained 4 years – not reached 5 years by 31-03-2025
    UKG (KG II)- Attained 5 years – not reached 6 years by 31-03-2025
    Class I- Attained 6 years – not reached 7 years by 31-03-2025
  • On a successful submission of admission form, a confirmation mail mentioning the form registration number will be sent to the parent's mail id.
  • Please visit the admission form page on the school website and click "Admission Status" and take the print of the application form (all pages).
  • The printed admission form must be submitted at the school office on any working day between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to proceed with the admission process along with the following:

    i. Two (02) recent passport size colour photographs of the child.
    ii. Birth certificate copy for class Balvatika to I.
    iii. Transfer Certificate in original for classes II and above (for pupil from schools other than CBSE, Transfer Certificate should be countersigned from the authority controlling the school). In case the transfer certificate is not available, the parent has to upload the student's bonafide certificate and should submit the original Transfer Certificate within one (01) month of admission.
    iv. Student resident card copy. (In case the resident card is not available, the parent has to upload an undertaking stating that the student's resident card copy will be submitted within one (01) month of admission.)
    v. Copy of progress report of the last class attended.
    vi. Photocopy of all the documents uploaded while submitting the online form. Bring all the original documents for verification.
  • A Registration fee RO 6.00 (non-refundable) has to be paid in cash at the time of submission of the form in school.
  • After submission of form in school and verification of the documents, an Diagnostic test notification will be sent to the parent's mail id.
  • The pupil must be present on the allotted test date.
  • For Nursery (Bal Vatika) and LKG (KG I), an interaction with the admission committee will be scheduled.
  • For UKG (KG II) and above, a pupil may be given a diagnostic test in all the subjects at the time of admission. The decision of the school authorities regarding the admission will be final.
  • If the pupil is not able to attend the Diagnostic test due to any emergency, it should be informed to the school authorities.
  • The information regarding not attending the Diagnostic test should be mailed to or a written application must be submitted in the school office mentioning the pupil’s name, admission registration no., class to which admission is sought, date of examination and the reason for not attending the test. Telephone calls in this regard will not be admissible and entertained.
  • In case of no information, admission form will be rejected and parents will have to register and fill a new online admission form again and follow the instructions thereon.
  • A pupil may be given a written test in all the subjects at the time of admission. The decision of the school authorities regarding the admission will be final.
  • For Diagnostic test syllabus and other details, please check the school website > Admission & Withdrawal > Online admission Form.
  • The pupil must bring the following materials on the allotted date of the Diagnostic test:
    - Admit card, issued by the school at the time of admission form submission.
    - For classes LKG to IV - HB pencils, eraser and colour pencils.
    - For classes V to IX - blue pen, pencil and eraser.
  • The Diagnostic test result will be displayed on the school notice board at the reception and published on the school website after three (03) working days from the date of Diagnostic test.
  • On declaration of the test result, the parents have to pay Admission fee RO 25.00 (non-refundable) and Caution money deposit RO 100.00 (refundable) at the school fee counter in cash within seven (07) working days, to confirm the admission of their ward.
  • The annual school fee is payable in nine (09) installments as per the school fee chart.
  • First installment of the school fee will be payable in case of withdrawal / cancellation of the admission. Refer Withdrawal/TC instructions on the school website.
  • Admission is subject to the availability of seats.

For any queries kindly mail to or call on +968 26841885 during working days.