Page 25 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 25

T H E   M O N T H L Y   N E W S L E T T E R   O F   T H E   G R E A T   N A T U R E   C L U B

                                                                By Anika S. Nair, V D

     Once upon a time there lived a child and her name was Ella. Well, she was

     rich, very rich indeed. But she did not want all the money, toys etc. What

     she liked was stars. She always used to sing about them. But her

     parents wanted her to live with sense and manners. They wanted her to

     live with a prince when she grew up. But she never lost hope and didn’t

     listen to her parents. She always wanted to become the person or the

     kind princess you see in every magical movie. She wanted to become

     the princess or the Queen of stars. She wondered and wondered until

     she got an idea.

     The next day she sneaked out of the house and went to

     NASA. She met a person over there and gave $10 million to

     the staff. He was surprised and asked, “from where did you
     get this much money and why are you giving it to me?” She

     replied “That is all I have. Now can you build me a rocket

     Mr.?”. The person laughed out loud and said, “Let me see”.
     After a while he said, “We need at least $500 million … but if

     it is urgent, I can build it for you with just $10 million”. She

     thanked him and went away. After a few months, they
     finished building a small rocket for her, adorned with her

     favorite character and even named it “                    ”. Ella

     thanked them a lot and started her journey to the Moon on

     21st April 2010 without telling her parents.

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