Page 27 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 27


                                                                               By Mihira S. Nair, XI B

     I have no idea why certain people are obsessed with a group of
     people trying to hit a red ball into the sky with an oddly shaped stick.
     As for my cousin and only friend (as I was new to this school) Dev,
     cricket ran through his blood. Dev could go rambling about cricket for
     hours, while I was more skilled in pretending to be a big cricket fan
     like him.

     The recess bell rang and Dev called me to meet his friends and I
     denied saying I was feeling tired. “You can’t be shy forever.” he said,
     jerking at my hand. “But my food...” I tried to protest. “Oh, just stuff it
     in”, and with this he pulled me out of my seat to the grilling ground.

     He introduced me to his friends and though they were all cricket fans
     and I secretly was not, I found them to be amazing friends. It felt like
     colors were added to my black and white life but it wasn’t long till
     these colors were drained out. There was some kind of professional
     cricket coach coming to the school tomorrow so that he could select
     and train students for the upcoming inter-school cricket match. I had
     no other choice but go, for I couldn’t risk losing my new friends by
     admitting everything to be a lie and saying I have never played cricket
     in my life. But the most wonderful idea struck me when I returned
     home that day.

     “Ammaaa! My stomach is aching so much. I don’t think I can go to
     school today". I tried to sound as natural as possible the next day but
     mom was smart and said “I don’t have medicines for your kind of
     stomach ache". Seeing my face fall she smiled and said “Alright, just
     for today you can stay at home Mr. Sick boy". I jumped onto my bed
     with inexplicable joy and relief.

     The next day at school I began gloomily “It’s awful that I had to have
     this stupid stomach ache right on the day of the selections.” “Lucky
     boy! It seems like the coach too had a stomach ache yesterday and
     so the selections are postponed for today” said Dev. “What!” I
     exclaimed trying to force a smile onto my face.

     Coming out of my thoughts I suddenly saw the ball heading straight
     for my face and I swung the bat in order to save my face from getting
     disfigured. Seconds later I heard somebody call out “Sixer!”.
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