Page 28 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 28

I finally understand why they say honesty is the best policy. Everyone
   lined up to take the oddly-shaped stick and began hitting the red balls.
   Dev was amazing. With one beautiful swinging stroke he sent the ball to
   the corner most tree in the school yard. Soon I, with fake confidence
   marched towards my graveyard.

   The weight of 2 litres of sweat in my shoes and the so-called cricket bat
   made me feel like carrying 100 kilograms totally. The jeering baller
   rubbed the ball on his trousers like he was going to put it on fire. The
   three sticks behind had it ensured that I wouldn’t run back and I
   remembered Dev once telling me that running around the field was the
   job of certain other people.

   “So that is it then”, I thought to myself but it unfortunately was not. Mr.
   Coach was going to ask us questions one by one. My mind started
   flooding with all kinds of possible questions as I crawled my way to
   meet the villain of our story.

   The hefty-looking coach sharpened his tongue as he bade me to sit
   down. “So, why do you think we should select you for the team?”
   “ I support my friends, I mean my
   teammates a lot”. “Ok, so now tell me” our villain continued, “Who is
   your favourite player?”. “That will be …. uhm...his name is...uhm” I
   struggled to find words. I thought through all the past lectures of Dev.
   “Come on tell me", the coach urged. “M.S. Saoni Tendulkar!" I yelled.

    Well, let's draw the curtains over what happened next.The coach’s
   assistant started calling out names of those who were selected after
   everyone had finished. I sat slouched on a bench with a hundred and
   one percent assurance of not getting selected while my friends’ names
   were being called out grandly one after the other.

   Suddenly out of the blue, I heard my name being called out in the list of
   substitutes. I sat there shocked while everyone started to disperse. The
   coach seeing my bomb-stricken face came towards me and said, “Do

   you know why I selected you?". "No sir” I replied honestly. “Even while
   knowing purely nothing about cricket you showed up for the selections
   just because you didn’t want to abandon your friends. I have a feeling

   you won’t let your team down. But promise me, M.S. Saoni Tendulkar,
   that you will practice whole-heartedly."

   “Oh! of course sir, thank you". I ran away from the hero of our story, with
   a gratitude brimmed heart, towards my friends to celebrate our
   success. It felt like colours were once again added to my black and

   white life and this time I was going to discover new colours. Who knows
   maybe cricket is fun.
                                                                                       *more on cricket click here
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