Page 26 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 26

c u s t o m e r s   w i l l   e n j o y   a t   f i r s t
             g l a n c e .

                                                                           B Y   C A R OL I NE   K A Y E   MONT G OME R Y
       When she reached the Moon on 15 May 2010, a GIANT

       tortoise with wings came and said, “We and our Queen

       were waiting for you”. Ella was SURPRISED. After a few

       seconds Queen Ellina appeared. The Queen said,

       “Come with me, my daughter”. Ella was SHOCKED. She

       asked, “Why are you calling me your  daughter, your

       highness?”. She replied “Come with me. Let me tell you

       a space story. I once had a daughter named Ella. One

       day two people invaded the Moon and took you away. I

       tried everything I could and even though I couldn’t

       save you, I at least left some magic and hope in you.

       But now here you are. I will never lose you again.”

                                              Well now as every story ends this also ends

                                              with…wait! let this story be different. So, as I

                                              was saying this story ends with a spacily ever

                                              after. And of course, it ends with the

                                              kidnappers searching for her till they reached

                                              the space prison. Oh, I almost forgot to

                                              introduce myself. Well, after all, I am the

                                              SPACE QUEEN.

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