Page 51 - ISS Profectus E Magazine
P. 51

The Disobedient Cloud

                   Once upon a time, there was a raincloud named

                   “Miya”. She never listened to her parents or elders.
                   She would always live life the way she wanted. She
                   was very naughty. Her poor parents were always
                   scorned by others because of her rude behaviour.

                   One day, her mother told her to stay in a group as it
                   was going to rain. But naughty Miya flew away.
                   Later it rained and poured. Miya did not join the
                   group. She was away playing.

                    Suddenly she heard her mother shout, “Miya…
                   Miya…where are you?”.When she looked around, she

                   saw her mother in a pond. She had turned into
                   water. Now Miya started crying because she was all

                   Her mother consoled her by saying that she would
                   come back soon. On the next hot day, she returned

                   to the sky as a cloud. Miya became very happy and
                   promised that she would never disobey elders again.

                   Now Miya is a very good cloud. She always listens
                   to advice and obeys them as well. Thus, her parents
                   are very proud of her.

                   Moral: We should obey our
                   parents and elders.

                                                                     Serah Rebecca Robin
                                                                     III A

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