17 August 2015
Dear Parents,
To motivate the students and to assess them on a wider platform, the school is organising Commerce Qualifier with the help of NOF (National Olympiad Foundation).This exam will help in bringing out the true talent on a National level. For details please log on to
Schedule of exam
Tentative Date: 27/10/2015 Duration: 45 minutes Centre: Indian School Sohar
Fees: A participation fee of RO 3.5 fee and RO 2 for practice book (optional)
Interested students should fill the entry form and submit to the class teacher along with the fees on or before 20th August 2015 (Students should submit the forms to their class teacher only and not at the counter directly).
_________________________________________tear off___________________________________________
Entry Form
I permit my child_______________________G.R.No___________of Std_________ to participate in the NOFCommerce Olympiad exam.
Parent’s Name:_______________________________________________Mob.No:______________________
Parents Sign:_______________________________________________Date:__________________________
Exam Fee___________________ Book fee______________________ Total____________
Sanchita Verma Reshma N R
Principal Co-ordinator