
07 October 2015

                Dear Parents,                                                                                                                                                                          

                Kindly note:                                                                                                                                                                                                 

·         Students can dress up as any animal ( land, aquatic, amphibian, bird, etc.). Few suggestions are: rhinoceros,                   giraffe, whale, seahorse, frog, penguin, eagle, woodpecker, polar bear, panda, etc.  OR

·         Dress up as National leader,  Freedom fighter OR

·         Can come fully dressed in traditional costume (with accessories) of different states.

·         If you wish that your child should participate then kindly fill up the slip and send it to the Class teacher on or                       before 12th October.


Sanchita Verma                                                                                                                      Gauri Gadgeel

Principal                                                                                                                                  Supervisor


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 Name of Child: _________________________________ Class & Sec:  ____________ GR No: _______________

I choose to become:   __________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s sign:  ____________________________________                  Mobile: ______________________________