
On Saturday, 18-11-2023 the school staff participated in a comprehensive Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) training program at Indian school Muladha. The workshop was aimed at fostering a secure and sustainable environment within the school premises. The training was designed to enhance awareness, promote best practices, and ensure the well-being of both staff and students. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. Rajeevan Gopinathan, Operations Manager HSE, Special Technical Services LLC.

Indian school Sohar was represented by,

1. Mr. Yashvir Singh

2. Mr. Rahul Chaurasia

3. Mrs. Indira Sukumaran

4. Mr. Humaid Khamis

5. Mr. Kamal Prasad Gurung

6. Mr. Muthukumar Balasubramanian

7. Ms. Wafa Al Shizawi

8. Mr. Gagandeep Singh

9. Mr. Kuldeep Singh

The Health, Safety, and Environment training for school staff proved to be a valuable and empowering experience. By equipping staff members with the knowledge and skills needed to create a secure and sustainable learning environment, the school is better positioned to prioritize the well-being of its community members. Moving forward, continuous reinforcement of these principles will be essential to maintaining a culture of safety and environmental consciousness within the school.

Our sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors of Indian Schools in Oman for organising such workshop.


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