
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”                     

                                                                                                              - Mother Teresa

On August 24, 2023, Indian School Sohar’s Department of English organized a special assembly to commemorate the 113th birth anniversary of the esteemed humanitarian, Mother Teresa. The assembly aimed to honour her life, legacy, and values, inspiring students to embrace compassion, kindness, and selflessness.

A short video presentation depicted Mother Teresa’s life journey, from her early days in Albania to her profound impact on the lives of the poor and deprived in Kolkata, India. The video showcased her dedication, humility, and unwavering commitment to helping those in need.

The assembly turned interactive as students engaged in passionate discussions, exploring ways to tangibly manifest Mother Teresa’s values in their own lives.

The students expressed gratitude towards Principal Mrs. Sanchita Verma, Vice-Principal Mr. Yashvir Singh, Head of English Department Mrs. Divya Johari, teacher-in-charge Mrs. Areej Abrar, teachers, and the student community for their support.

The event successfully achieved its goal of paying homage to Mother Teresa’s remarkable contributions and inspiring the young minds of the school to carry forward her legacy of selfless service and love for humanity.


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