
“A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to far away places without leaving your chair” – Katrina Mayer

‘April is the reading month’. To inculcate reading habits among children, DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time was observed in classes I to VIII from 17th April to 19th April. A special bookmark activity was also conducted in classes IV and V to mark the occasion.

A special assembly was held to celebrate the Joy of Reading in Indian School Sohar on 24th of April. The assembly started with the usual proceedings as prayer, thought and speech which emphasized the importance of reading. The highlight of the day was the skit performed by the students which enlightened the student audience as it portrayed the relevance of books in one’s life and how the characters influence a child’s holistic development. The Principal addressed the students and gave away the prizes to the prize winners of International Mathematics Olympiad and National Cyber Olympiad.


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