
To create awareness among parents and to teach them how to modify their children’s maladaptive behaviours, Parent Management Training (PMT) was given to the parents of children who were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), by Ms. Shemsiya E.K, Special Educator, on 13th October 2018. The training aimed to change parental behaviours and to teach them the techniques they could use at home to alter their children’s problematic behaviours.

The special educator provided a brief overview of underlying concepts, models and techniques for the parents and oriented parents to implement the procedures at home.

Parents were also taught how to define, observe and record maladaptive behavior at the beginning of session (E.g. fighting, engaging in tantrums). After that, reinforcement (delivery of attention, praise etc.) and punishment (e.g. Time out) techniques were focused. The training helped the parents to acquire appropriate and effective parenting skills.