A wise man once said that the world is but a canvas to the imagination. The children of Kindergarten were all set to prove this age old adage right. A Colouring competition for LKG and UKG was organized in which colouring worksheets were given to them. The competition helped them in showcasing their choice of colours, creativity, grip control, coordination and focus. Children participated with great zeal and showed their talent.
It was a challenge for our judges Ms. Komalam, Ms. Juana and Ms. Lubna to choose the winner as every child gave an excellent performance. The winners were selected on the basis of neatness, colour combination and creativity. The competition was a fun and joyful experience for the children.
The winners are :
First Position - Eshwar Thejas K and Francis K Lijo from LKG Lily
Second Position - Eva Maria Joseph from LKG Daisy
Third Position - Aanya Narayana Gowda from LKG Pansy
First Position - Naveena Mani Krishna from UKG Marigold
Second Position - Hrithika Rahul from UKG Orchid
Third Postion - Jingyasa Pradhan from UKG Jasmine
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