Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication are 21st century skills that are intended to help the students. The Students of Bal Bhavan Public School, Delhi and Indian School Sohar worked on a collaborative project titled “The Effects of River Pollution”.
Students of both the schools had an interactive session through video conference and they shared their views and talked about their findings on the above mentioned topic. The session was very informative for the students. Students of our school highlighted about the cleanliness of Oman. The reasons of river pollution were also discussed.
Earlier, posters on five most polluted rivers of the world (River Buri Ganga - Bangladesh, River Citsrum - Indonesia, River Ganga - India, River Jorden - Israel, River Marilao - Philippines, River Sarno – Italy) were prepared and exchanged between the schools.
The students agreed and concluded that it is every individual‘s duty to take care of the natural resources especially water for the benefit of new generation.
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