Blue is the ocean, Blue is the sky…
Blue is lots of fun, it gives me wings to fly.
Blue is a calming, comforting colour that represents truth, honesty and open communication.
The tiny tots of Kindergarten celebrated Blue Colour Day on 30th April 2023. They came confidently dressed in various shades of blue and to make the day more inclusive, they brought different objects like toys, drawings, etc. based on the theme.
The students of LKG did a paper-tearing and sponge-printing activity to make clouds and rain, while the students of UKG made flowers with their fingerprints, which they thoroughly enjoyed.
To make the day memorable, they sang rhymes and songs and played games.
Overall, Blue Colour Day was an amazing experience and a visual treat for all. It was a day to remember leaving a long-lasting impression in the minds of our dear children.
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