In an effort to foster cultural exchange and strengthen bonds of friendship, students from an Indian school recently performed on 29th May 2023 at Banat Al Majid Private School, Saham and on 30th May 2023 at Ajyad Al Khaburah School, Khaburah.
Through their performances, the Indian school students introduced the Omani students and faculty to the beauty and diversity of Indian traditions. The captivating Rajasthani dance form, rhythmic music, props, and colourful costumes provided a glimpse into India's cultural heritage, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. The event was coordinated by Ms. Mini Susam Lal.
The performances by Indian school students to promote Indian culture and friendship bonds were a resounding success. It allowed for a joyful celebration of Indian traditions while nurturing cross-cultural understanding and friendship between the two communities. Such initiatives serve as a powerful means to bridge cultural gaps, strengthen international relations, and create a harmonious global society.
We express our sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education for the opportunity.
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